1) The .......... layer provides a well defined service interface to the network layer, determining how the bits of the physical layer are grouped into frames.
A. Data Link
B. Physical
C. Network
D. Session
2) The service primitives provide a way for the data link layer on the requesting side to learn whether the request was successfully carried out.
A. Request
B. Indication
C. Response
D. Confirm
3) The different types of services provided by data link layer is/are ...
A. Unacknowledged connectionless service
B. Acknowledged connectionless service
C. Acknowledged connection oriented service
D. All of the above.
4) .......... is used by the network layer to ask the data link layer to do something.
A. Request
B. Indication
C. Response
D. Confirm
5) In ............... the source machine sends independent frames to the destination machine without having the destination machine acknowledge them.
A. Unacknowledged connectionless service
B. Acknowledged connectionless service
C. Acknowledged connection oriented service
D. Unacknowledged connection oriented service
6) ........... is the most sophisticated service provided by the data link layer to the network layer. The source and destination machines establish a connection before any data transfer takes place.
A. Unacknowledged connectionless service
B. Acknowledged connectionless service
C. Acknowledged connection oriented service
D. Unacknowledged connection oriented service
7) In .......... , there are still no connections used, but each frame sent is individually acknowledged.
A. Unacknowledged connectionless service
B. Acknowledged connectionless service
C. Acknowledged connection oriented service
D. Unacknowledged connection oriented service
8) ......... is used to indicate to the network layer that an event has happened, for example, establishment or release of a connection.
A. Request
B. Indication
C. Response
D. Confirm
9) .......... is used on the receiving side by the network layer to reply to a previous indication.
A. Request
B. Indication
C. Response
D. Confirm
10) In .......... we are looking only to see if any error has occurred. The answer is a simple yes or no.
A. error searching
B. error detection
C. error correction
D. error transmission
11) In ........... we need to know the exact number of bits that are corrected and more importantly, their location in the message.
A. error searching
B. error detection
C. error correction
D. error transmission
12) ............ is the process in which the receiver tries to guess the message by using redundant bits.
A. Forward error correction
B. Backward error correction
C. Transmission
D. Retransmission
13) ........... is the technique in which the receiver detects the occurrence of an error and asks the sender to resend the message.
A. Forward error correction
B. Backward error correction
C. Transmission
D. Retransmission
14) In block coding, we divide our message into blocks, each of k bits, called ........
A. Dataword
B. Generator
C. Codeword
D. Checker
15) ............ in the data link layer separates a message from one source to a destination, or from other messages to other destinations, by adding a sender address and a destination address.
A. Transforming
B. Framing
C. Separating
D. Messaging
16) In ............., there is no need for defining the boundaries of the frames; the size itself can be used a delimiter.
A. Standard Size Framing
B. Fixed Size Framing
C. Variable Size Framing
D. Constant Size Framing
17) ............ is prevalent in LANs, we need a way to define the end of the frame and the beginning of the next.
A. Standard Size Framing
B. Fixed Size Framing
C. Variable Size Framing
D. Constant Size Framing
18) Which of the following is/are the methods used for carrying out framing.
A. Character count
B. Starting and ending characters, with character stuffing.
C. Starting and ending flags with bit stuffing.
D. All of the above
19) In ............., the sender sends one frame, stops until it receives confirmation from the receiver, and then sends the next frame.
A. stop and wait protocol
B. simplest protocol
C. sliding window protocol
D. High level Data Link Control Protocol(HDLC)
20) In ......... , the sliding window is an abstract concept that defines the range of sequence numbers that is the concern of the sender and receiver.
A. stop and wait protocol
B. simplest protocol
C. sliding window protocol
D. High level Data Link Control Protocol(HDLC)
1) A. Data Link
2) D. Confirm
3) D. All of the above
4) A. Request
5) A. Unacknowledged connectionless service
6) C. Acknowledged connection oriented service
7) B. Acknowledged connectionless service
8) B. Indication
9) B. Indication
10) B. error detection
11) C. error correction
12) A. Forward error correction
13) D. Retransmission
14) A. Dataword
15) B. Framing
16) B. Fixed Size Framing
17) C. Variable Size Framing
18) D. All of the above
19) A. stop and wait protocol
20) C. sliding window protocol
2) D. Confirm
3) D. All of the above
4) A. Request
5) A. Unacknowledged connectionless service
6) C. Acknowledged connection oriented service
7) B. Acknowledged connectionless service
8) B. Indication
9) B. Indication
10) B. error detection
11) C. error correction
12) A. Forward error correction
13) D. Retransmission
14) A. Dataword
15) B. Framing
16) B. Fixed Size Framing
17) C. Variable Size Framing
18) D. All of the above
19) A. stop and wait protocol
20) C. sliding window protocol
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