1) You can search a word document for
A. Formatting
B. Special Characters
C. Phrases
D. All of the above
2) When you display your document in full screen view ...
A. You cannot use the menu or shortcut menu commands
B. You see the previous page and next page buttons
C. You add selection break to your document.
D. The title bar, status bar, menu bar, scroll bars, taskbar and toolbars are not display.
3) What keystroke combination selects the entire document?
A. Ctrl+A
B. Alt+F8
C. Shift+Ctrl+A
D. Alt+A
4) To save an existing document in a new file with a different location you
A. Save As
B. Save
C. Close
D. All of the above
5) Which of the following is not an editing view?
A. Online layout view
B. Full screen view
C. Format view
D. Page layout view
6) Which key deletes text before, or to the left of the insert point?
A. Delete
B. Backspace
C. Page Down
D. Page Up
7) The use of smart cut and past option....
A. Inserts a special symbols at the end of each document
B. Copy text in a document without using clipboard
C. Adds or deletes space as needed when pasting text
D. All of the above
8) Right-clicking something in Word...
A. Deletes the object
B. Nothing - the right mouse button is there for left handed people
C. Opens a shortcut menu listing everything you can do to the object
D. Selects the object
9) How can you apply format of one text into other text?
A. Using copy and paste
B. Using style
C. Using format painter
D. All of the above
10) You can moved and copy text ..
A. Within a word document
B. Between office application
C. Between word document
D. All of the above
11) Which of the following options is not an option in the print dialog box?
A. Print selected pages
B. Print selected text
C. Set the paper orientation
D. Collate copies
12) What is the fastest way to select a single word?
A. Move the insertion point to the beginning of the word and hold down the shift key
B. Double click the word
C. Click the select word wizard button on the tool-bar
D. None of the above
13) Auto text entries
A. Can be deleted
B. Can be edited
C. Are saved with the normal template
D. All of the above
14) What key can you press to get help in any windows-based program?
A. Scroll lock
B. F1
C. Esc
D. F12
15) To insert page break press ..
A. Shift + Ctrl + Enter
B. Alt + Enter
C. Shift + Enter
D. Ctrl + Enter
16) The spike ....
A. Allow you to combine text from several documents and then inserts all the text into one documents at one time
B. Allows you to edit auto text entries
C. Allows you to format auto text entries
D. All of the above
17) You can decrease your document by one page by using the ...
A. Shrink to fit button
B. Fit to one page button
C. Magnifier button
D. Reduce by one page button
18) What color are grammar errors?
A. Yellow
B. Red
C. Green
D. Blue
19) When you create an auto text entry
A. You can save it with the current template
B. You should keep the name short
C. You must assign it a unique name
D. All of the above
20) The auto complete feature
A. Presents a tip box with contents you can insert by presenting the enter key
B. Checks the style of the documents
C. Checks the readability of the document
D. Checks the spelling in the document
1) D. All of the above2) D. The title bar, status bar, menu bar, scroll bars, taskbar and toolbars are not display.
3) A. Ctrl+A
4) A. Save As
5) C. Format view
6) C. Page Down
7) C. Adds or deletes space as needed when pasting text
8) C. Opens a short-cut menu listing everything you can do to the object
9) C. Using format painter
10) D. All of the above
11) C. Set the paper orientation
12) B. Double click the word
13) D. All of the above
14) B. F1
15) D. Ctrl + Enter
16) A. Allow you to combine text from several documents and then inserts all the text into one documents at one time
17) A. Shrink to fit button
18) C. Green
19) D. All of the above
20) D. Checks the spelling in the document
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